Thursday, August 13, 2009

Day 4 - Setting Goals and my busy day

Not very much has happened today (It's only noon). I'm about to eat lunch with Michael. After lunch, I'll shower and then we'll be on our way to Oxford. That's why I'm writing now because I'm not sure if I'll be able to write later. We have so much to do at the house. First thing is putting the bed up and getting the couch up so that we'll both have somewhere to sleep tonight. We'll be pretty busy. I can't wait to get the kitchen done and hopefully get more cooking supplies :). So I will work on the house today and on the way there I will attempt to read all of the second chapter of Julia Child's "My life in France". Which just so happens to be the chapter on her time spent at "Le Cordon Bleu". Le Cordon Bleu is the cooking school she went to and learned all of her amazing cooking skills!

The book...
There are two parts of the book, 335 pages, 9 chapters, and it's filled with pictures! It doesn't seem that long, right? WRONG! It's got small print and a lot of words. All of the chapters are divided into little sub-chapters. I'm not even all the way through the first chapter. I'm usually a very quick reader and for some reason I haven't been able to speed through this book like I usually do with other books. It's not that I'm not as interested, because I know I'm extremely interested. Maybe I'm just paying extra attention, or more attention than norma to this book. Well, I'm not complaining.

Back to Today...
Unfortunately, I don't think that I'll get to watch Julia tonight. I am, however, on a search to find more episodes of hers on the internet. I can't get her DVD's yet :( but hopefully later on this year I will. OH! I was thinking...Julia Child has another biography. I know this because Julie Powell was reading Julia's biography when writing Julie & Julia, that was in 2002. Julia Child's "My life in France" started being written in 2003 and came out in 2006. So now I have to find out which biography Julie Powell read. Maybe a goal for tomorrow :D If you know anything, let me know. Thanks!

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