Friday, September 18, 2009

Day 11 - Blank

Why does my title say "Day 11 - Blank".....?

It says Blank because that is how I feel. My life is a blank. I am a blank.

Have you ever wondered what love is? Is love just an emotion? Is love an act? Is love a different definition for everyone, and if it is, should it be that way?

How do people heal? When does pain end?

Can you be a true christian and still repeat the same sins, over and over?

How can you be strong and yet be weak?

By the way, the thinnest line in the world, really is between love and hate.

What would you do if you had so many emotions built up inside of you that you couldn't actually express yourself?

Why do questions always need answers?

Can you be a good friend when you really don't care what they think?
Why do people always feel the need to talk crap about other people?
Seriously, dead serious. If you have a problem with someone, DON'T BE A COWARD, go tell them! You don't have to be a jerk about it, just let them know what is bothering you, don't go around talking crap about them behind their back. If you think about it, what good is that gonna do? Where is that gonna get you? NOWHERE. Yeah you and your other "friends" will get a laugh. woo-hoo. What a blast..... NOT. Your friends are probably wondering what you say about them when they aren't around. AND if you have a problem with one of your friends, TELL THEM! How are they gonna try and fix it or defend themselves if you don't let them know?

Is everything Black and White, or is there gray?

Why is it that you can spend a whole day being tires and then lay down and not be able to sleep?

Is it possible to be in love with more than one person? and Do we have one soulmate on this earth? or many?

How can a heart break and heal at the same time?

If LOVE is a many splendored thing, and all we need is love....then why does love (sometimes) end in hate?